Sonntag, 29. Juli 2007

cruel at heart?

Saturday and Sunday have been beautiful here. (until tonight... matching my mood perhaps)

saturday was spent biking and hiking around mostly in the country. I stumbled upon a sign with a large Raspberry, and decided to stop and have a gander. I pulled out my trusty german (high german not swiss german so it doesn't always work around here) dictionary and looked like the tourist i am trying to read this sign. I got: pick your own raspberry's leibwil. I couldn't figure out this leibwil, so i assumed it was either the name of the farm, the street or some form of direction. I picked a direction in the fork and biked about 10 km up a large hill, seeming like forever after biking 12 km to this sign, and finally gave up. Turns out leibwil is a 'village' (old farm houses) somewhere up this hill... but i didn't stumble upon it. The day was still enjoyable with some hiking and beautiful views. I also ran into some towns people in search of magical mushrooms in the cow poop, at least that is what i deciphered from their broken english german dialect language.

sunday was an early day after a late night. The whole family trained into geneva, and i spent a couple hours walking around with them and then we parted as i toured the city by myself. A brazilian english speaking man introduced himself to me, we talked a bit, he lived there and offered to show me around. I accepted, although not being particularly attracted to this elder of mine (29). He showed me some nice places, tourist attractions in geneva, and also bought me dinner (a 20 SFr ordeal, i was planning on just a snack for the day to save money). This is my cruelty showing, knowing i wasn't interested but... playing along for an enjoyable afternoon. think what you must, for I had a good time and got some good pictures.

P.S. although the trains here are wonderful they confuse the heck out of me. i bought a 100SFr ticket to make any train after 7pm free, so i went on a train without a ticket then i was told i had to buy a ticket, so i bought it from this ticket checker, then i got on another train for transferring with a ticket (after 7) and when they came to check mine they asked why i bought a ticket, i explained it all and they laughed, apparently i didn't need a ticket for either train
ahh there goes 53SFr (that i may be able to get back sometime... if someone speaks english and apparently is sympathetic to my mono linguistic self)

Father and Mother and Me
Sister and Auntie say,
All the people like us are We,
And everyone else is They.
(not something i feel just like the sound and perhaps what we all subconsciously think)

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